The Hunt

Early in the antelope season, this outstanding organizations creates a five day hunt and
outdoor adventure for participants.  Hunters enjoy hunting, camping, fishing, and other
activities at the historic AU Ranch in Dunphy, Nevada.

The annual hunt takes place on this sprawling 400,000 acre ranch where multiple hunters from various states are brought together. The commonality and camaraderie of the hunt and outdoor adventures accumulate to foster friendships and build fond memories.

Each hunter overcomes challenges and enjoys individual accomplishments that make their hunt unique and personal.

Annually, participants embark on an adventure which includes activities and evening events such as:

Tour Nevada Mine: Gold Quarry Surface Mine
History Lecture: Firearms and tour of private collection
Antelope Hunt & Fishing
The Basque Culture Presentation & Cultural Dancers
Raptor (bird) Education
Nevada Big Horns Conversation Education
ATV Tours
Target Shooting
Mountain Man and Camp Fire Stories
Ranch Tour and Education: Wildlife Viewing






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